Saturday 29 January 2011

Installing WinDbg

To start with WinDbg we need to install it
Please follow the link below:

(I am using  
OS: Windows vista Enterprise 64 bit
Processor: AMD)

Go to --> Debugging Tools: More Information and Previous Versions section
Select the type of debugging tools version (x86 or x64 based on your requirement) and click on the link.
As I am using a x64 bit Windows Vista Enterprise I clicked on 64-bit version.
Check the system requirements. Whether your OS supports this version.

If yes click on the "Download Debugging Tools from the Windows SDK" link.
Click on download, save the package and run. Follow as below.

The Debugging Tools are listed in two places on the Installation Options screen in the Windows SDK Setup Wizard:
Select the Debugging Tools option under the Common Utilities if you want the x64 version of the Debugging Tools and you are installing on an x64 computer. This option automatically detects the CPU architecture of the computer on which you are installing the tools and it is the fastest method of installing the tools.
Select the Debugging Tools option under the Redistributable Packages to download all three versions of the Debugging Tools (x86, x64, Itanium).
After you select the appropriate Debugging Tools option as described above, clear the check boxes for the other options so that you do not install unnecessary items. The Common Utilities option downloads the Debugging Tools into a Debugging Tools for Windows folder under your Program Files folder. The Redistributable Packages option downloads the Debugging Tools to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Redist\Debugging Tools for Windows.
I selected "Debugging Tools option under the Redistributable Packages" and clicked on install.
On the Installation Options screen make sure that 'Debugging Tools' is selected under 'Redistributable Packages'. You may deselect everything else if you don't need it.

If you used the default installation directory, you should find the binaries for x86 and x64 here: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Redist\Debugging Tools for Windows"

Find the Type of Processor from my previous posts.
I am using an AMD processor.
Ran dbg_amd64.msi package .
Select complete to click install the complete features.

You can go to the start menu and see "Debugging tools for windows X64" is installed on your machine.

Happy installing WindDbg...................

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